DREAMPEAKS is a brand belonging to the company OLE OUTDOOR S.L.
OLE OUTDOOR S.L. is the owner of the domain and website https://dreampeaks.es. All rights reserved.
Company name: OLE OUTDOOR S.L Registered office: Avenida de América 29. 28002 Madrid, Spain. CIF: B87988689 Email address: info@oleoutdoor.com
Registration data in the Mercantile Registry: Mercantile Registry of Madrid Volume 37104, Folio 120 Section 8ª Sheet M-662.271 Inscription 1 / Date 29/01/2018
CIF: B87988689
EU VAT N°: ESB87988689
Accident insurance with policy Helvetia n. M2 C30 0002562
Civil Liability insurance with policy Helvetia n. M2 R11 0004677.
Travel Agency Civil Liability Insurance with policy AXA n. 82212578
DREAMPEAKS – OLE OUTDOOR OFFICE: Calle de Josefa Hoyo, 2. 28770 Colmenar Viejo. Madrid. SPAIN.
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